"It's going to take Faith Girl!"

Faith Girls believe that all things are working together for our good. We trust God at all times, even during trials and tribulations. We are convinced that God has a plan for our lives and that it is good. We believe that Jesus came so that we might LIVE our best life. We are also committed to bringing others into a RELATIONSHIP with God.
Faith Girl is committed to helping girls and adult women find their identity in the Word of God and live their best life in every arena. Representing Faith Girl is a representation of WHO YOU ARE for life. We are not ashamed of the Gospel. Faith Girl products inspire and invite others to join us to live life at its best.
Faith Girl: noun /fāth/ /gẽrl/
Established as a t-shirt company, Faith Girl has evolved into a MOVEMENT to encourage girls, teens, and adult women to live their best life now-physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
1. female of any age, race, or nationality who accepts Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of her life; she is accepted and loved by God; she is fearfully and wonderfully made; she finds her identity in the Word of God; she is committed to living a healthy & prosperous life; she rejoices every day of her life because she knows that all things are working together for her good; she is committed to sharing the Good News; she uses her gifts and talents to advance the Kingdom of God.
How to get involved?

The goal of Faith Girl is to empower young and adult women of all ages, all Backgrounds, and all denominations. Our goal is to help them improve and grow in their health, in their minds, and most importantly, in their love and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Faith Girl Coach-Become an FG coach today! Contact us for more information on becoming a Faith Girl Coach and making a difference in women's lives.